THANK YOU for a wonderful night at Northside Tiger Trivia 2020!
We are immensely grateful to the more than 80 Newton North parents who formed 12 teams to play online trivia with James Marohn on Saturday night and helped us to keep the Northside tradition alive, even during a pandemic. We heard from many parents that they enjoyed meeting new people and had fun challenging themselves with the varied and interesting trivia questions. While most of participants connected in virtual chat rooms, some gathered on porches and by outdoor fire pits for festive and socially-distanced evenings. The creativity and spirit of our community was wonderful to see and experience.
We are excited to announce that Team Just M-ask Us impressed us all with a double victory, winning 1st place for best team name and for highest score in the trivia competition. Teams L7 and Zoom and Gloom took 2nd and 3rd place in the trivia competition, respectively. Congratulations!! All winning teams will be awarded prizes, including gift certificates to local restaurants and Newton North Tiger swag.
We are also grateful for the donations that we received for this event. We raised nearly $3500 for the PTSO! Thank you for your generosity!
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the tireless efforts of Kim Buckton one of our PTSO IT experts. Without her help, this event would not have been possible.
Without their help this event would not have been possible. We are also grateful to Dr. Henry Turner who provided a warm welcome at the start of the evening.
Northside Dining is a special opportunity to connect families in the Newton North community and we look forward to continuing this wonderful tradition in years to come.
Thank you again for your enthusiasm and support.
Your Northside Co-chairs: Una Simmons, Beth Panella, and Kirsten Engel