Make Sure Your Student Appears in the 23-24 Newton North PTSO Directory
Welcome to a new school year at Newton North! Now is the time to make sure your student is included in the PTSO’s 2023-24 directory and to pay your PTSO dues.
Want to pay PTSO dues directly through Paypal? Click here!
All Newton North parents/guardians are members of the PTSO and your family’s information will be included in the directory, unless you request otherwise. New this year, all members will have online directory access and access to the mobile app. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, paper directories will no longer be available.*
Here is what you need to do:
1. Login or create an account**:
2. Confirm your directory listing. Feel free to update any information, including students’ preferred names.
3. For your convenience, you may pay your PTSO membership dues by credit card, PayPal or check in Membership Toolkit
* For those who demonstrate a need for a printed copy, they will be available upon request.
** As soon as you create an account, you will have access to the online directory via the link above, and you can download the Membership Toolkit app to your mobile device.
Questions? Please contact
A few tips about the process:
- Students returning to Newton North and rising 9th graders from Bigelow or Day: Your information has been transferred and is available for a quick check for accuracy and can be edited.
- Once you set up the primary account in Membership Toolkit, the primary user can invite other email addresses to access the account. This allows any secondary user to have separate login information but still have access to the family account.
- If you already have an account with another organization that uses Membership Toolkit, you can use the same email and password to log in.
- If your family is no longer at Newton North, please email to be permanently removed from the directory. Thank you!