Multicultural Night

Share your heritage! Join the fun at Multicultural Night

Travel around the globe…in one evening! Students and families are invited to Newton North PTSO’s Third Annual Multicultural Night to celebrate our school’s diversity through delicious food and heritage displays.

Come and enjoy! Mingle and meet new friends from around the U.S. and the world! Families with ties to Argentina, China, Dominican Republic, Greece, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Spain, Syria, and Venezuela—among others—will be there, sharing their cultures.

Best of all…it’s FREE!

Three Ways to Participate

Create a region/country table or display. Bring flags, clothes, posters, handicrafts – anything that features your heritage.

Cook your favorite dish. Bring enough for 6-8 people to share, and we’ll provide the plates and drinks.

Come and enjoy! Mingle and meet new friends from around the U.S. and the world!

Interested? Questions? Need help connecting with other families? Contact Kelly Qian and Julie Pinto at